

Characteristic Signs of Stress

Composed for PASIC 2004, these four minutes are not for the faint of heart! The motivation behind the piece comes from the sheer stress resulting from the logistics of assembling and preparing for a showcase performance.


Composed for PASIC 2004, these four minutes are not for the faint of heart!

The motivation behind the piece comes from the sheer stress resulting from the logistics of assembling and preparing for a showcase performance. Not only does the piece sound “stressed” but as you watch each performer execute his part you should see signs of stress in their movements, both between and around the instruments.

12 players (P1: xylo./vibe; P2-4:3 marimba players; P5: sm &lg. chinese cym./opera gong/temple blocks/sm. slap stick/shekere/6 pitch whale/log drum/low floor tom; P6: glock/chimes/cowbell/mixing bowl/SD/timbales/low floor tom; P7: splash cym./med.sus.cym./hihat/afuche/bell tree/brake drums; P8: med. & lg. sus. cym./hi hat/lg. gong/lg. and med. bell plates/vibraslap/flexatone/SD/BD; P9: sm. & med. sus. cym/sizzle cym/rototoms (or 6 concert toms)/large slapstick; P10: splash cym./trash cym/med. chinese cym/wind gong/claves/glass jar/bongos/med. floor tom; P11: lg. sus.cym./wind chimes/slide whistle/5 concert toms; P12: tuned gongs/5 aluminum pipes/BD



Performance Type

6+ Players