Phillip Mikula

From Phillip Mikula

Characteristic Signs of Stress


Composed for PASIC 2004, these four minutes are not for the faint of heart! The motivation behind the piece comes from the sheer stress resulting from the logistics of assembling and preparing for a showcase performance.

Composed for PASIC 2004, these four minutes are not for the faint of heart! The motivation behind the piece comes from the sheer stress resulting from the logistics of assembling and preparing for a showcase performance.

Xpu-Ha Experiment


Pronounced “shpoo-ha”, this work is a very aggressive, rhythmic, drumming ensemble for 4 percussionists. At times played barbarically and savagely, Xpu-Ha Experiment is written in the form of a tribal dance. It will undoubtedly prove to be a very intense 7-minute experience for the players and audience alike.

Pronounced “shpoo-ha”, this work is a very aggressive, rhythmic, drumming ensemble for 4 percussionists. At times played barbarically and savagely, Xpu-Ha Experiment is written in the form of a tribal dance. It will undoubtedly prove to be a very intense 7-minute experience for the players and audience alike.